Why should I use Linux?

People who spend most of their time on a computer should also think about what operating system they are using. Most of the people are using Windows(~90%) as their OS, maybe because it came pre-installed on their computer or they think Windows is the only option for their computers. But there exists a great alternative to Windows, Yes I am talking about Linux. First of all, Linux is not an OS it’s a kernel through which various OSes are derived which we call distributions or distros.
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The GNU Stream editor - sed

sed is a stream editing tool made by GNU. A stream editor is used to perform text transformations on a input stream ( a file or redirected input from a pipe ). sed works by taking an edit script and modifies the input stream according to the edit script. sed comes pre-installed in most of the linux and unix based distributions and can also be installed easily from the distribution’s package manager.
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